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    3 Benefits Of M-Tray Green Roof Installations

    March 13th, 2020

    Although green roofs have been in existence for many years, their use in both new and existing architecture has experienced a significant surge of interest and installation.

    Many countries have now introduced new legislation designed to add green roofing technology to open roof spaces and as such, the increased popularity is almost certain to continue. There has been a definitive move in modern architecture from grey to green. 

    Below we have highlighted 3 of the key areas that the installation of a green roof can benefit.

    A close up image of work taking place to install a green roof in Hammersmith

    • No. 1 – The plants are fully established and mature, so once in place, an instant greening effect is achieved. The plastic trays contain all the necessary sustenance, filtration and drainage components so the plants will survive long-term
    •  No. 2 – The M-Tray® modules are clean and easy to handle. Green roof construction is often a very messy affair, but with everything contained within the tray, nothing spills out, meaning the least disruption possible. A module can be carried by hand easily and can even be walked through buildings for retrofit projects. The membrane beneath the green roof is also protected from loose particles.
    • No. 3 – The green roof is future-proofed. If the structure beneath the vegetation ever needs to be inspected, one or more trays can be taken up without major issue; in contrast to roll-out roofs where many tonnes of the loose substrate have to be dug out. If any of the plants die back or if the planting scheme is changed, the trays can be lifted and replaced quickly and easily.

    Environmental Benefits

    With many architectural designs now being focused upon increasing energy efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint of the building, green roofs are becoming an increasingly popular element.

    Popular in both commercial and residential properties (companies as large as Facebook now have a green roof on their Menlo Park headquarters), their installation is no longer dependant on the size of the building.

    Taking A Closer Look At The M-Tray®

    The M-Tray® is the user-friendly way to install green roofs. Sedum and wildflower plants have been pre-installed into these easy to handle, specially designed trays to provide an instant garden for flat roofs, terraces and structural decks.

    Instead of overlooking an ugly rooftop area, they provide the opportunity to create a natural setting filled with flowering plants.



    For more on this amazing modular green roof system, please click here.
