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    Choosing The ‘Right’ Decking Materials For The ‘Right’ Location – Part 2

    September 22nd, 2016

    Continuing from our last blog, (please click here to return), we offer two further tips designed to ensure that you choose the right decking material for the right location.

    Installation Systems

    Traditional: Screws/Nails + Clips

    No matter if it is face fastened or hidden fastened… inclement weather can be a major enemy of any kind of screw that with time loses its grip! If you are buying decking boards that have to be installed like that just be prepared to face a lot of structural maintenance issues.

    New generation: iDecking Revolution, zero screws, easy install and remove!

    iDecking Revolution is the company born to innovate in the field of decking/cladding installation systems and materials! The company patented a whole new generation of decking installation systems, selling successfully worldwide!


    As far as decking maintenance is concerned we need to divide the chapter in two: 1. Aesthetic Maintenance & 2. Structural Maintenance.

    Aesthetic Maintenance is strictly linked to the kind of material you choose your boards made of. Each one has its own reaction to inclement weather. Here we go to personal tastes since there are architects who prefer time patina on the boards and people who like to keep them new and clean. In the second case, DURO composite is the best choice. Let’s always remember that wood is great too, but we would strongly suggest laying a couple of protectors coats per season in order to maintain the wood at its best.

    – Structural Maintenance is strictly linked to the installation system you choose. Utilising either of the iDecking systems (EasyClick / EasyChange) bring this kind of maintenance down to almost zero since you are not dealing with screws to fix the board on the ground!


    If you are looking for the right solution to last in time without many troubles we feel like suggesting what follows:

    • The Best Solution: Hard Woods (Teak/IPE) or DURO COMPOSITE as materials to be matched with iDecking Revolution EasyClick or EasyChange
    • Woods To Be Avoided: Softwoods installed with screws (both face fastening or hidden fasteners)
