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    Getting The Most Out Of A Green Roof

    April 29th, 2015

    It was not too long ago that the concept of the green roof was not as well known as it is now. However, with the movement towards efficiency and a more environmentally friendly world is making them popular even in cities. However green roofs have long been a practice with a variety of villages and homes, and it’s a practice that is strongly gaining popularity.

    How Much Do You Already Know?

    First of all, you need to know what a green roof is. A green roof (sometimes also referred to as a living roof) is a roof of a building that has living Getting The Most Out Of A Green Roofvegetation on it, usually planted above some type of waterproofing. This can be grass, mould, ivy, or even plants and flowers. There are a variety of ways to make sure to get the most out of a green roof, and a variety of reasons so many building owners are looking to put one in.

    One of the best ways to get the most out of a green roof is to go with a design that covers the entire roof. When done properly with a fully waterproof membrane, a green roof can lengthen the life of your roof up to 200% in some cases, making it a good long term investment.

    High Levels of Energy Efficiency

    In addition to this, a green roof is energy efficient. This is not only great for the environment because less energy gets used, but it saves you money, too. A green roof keeps more heat in the home during the winter and keeps the home cooler during the summer.

    Ask around with local council to see what kind of rebates or tax breaks might be available. You may find that certain types of green roofs come with tax breaks for being environmentally friendly, while maybe other types don’t quite give you that same financial benefit.

    Green roofs can vary in price depending on the building size and shape. A simple sod pitch on a village home (common in areas of Scandinavia, for example) will be a far different setup from the green roof of say City Hall in Chicago (which actually does sport and impressive green roof).

    Knowing what you’re looking for and what the main benefits of each model will be will go a long way towards making sure you get the green roof that not only saves you money, but that works best for you and your budget.

    Specialists in Green Roofing Technology

    The team at Wallbarn are specialists green roofing technology and have an entire area dedicated to green roofs on our website.

    For more information regarding the different types of green roofing system we can supply please either contact us via Tel. No. 0208 916 2222 or visit our dedicated section via the following link – https://www.wallbarn.com/green-roof-new/

