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    Green roofing homes made easy

    March 1st, 2019


    Installing residential green roofs has never been easier…

    …providing you have the right product.

    Whether retrofitting an existing property or specifying a new build, choosing the right solution is critical to the success of your green roof.

    Roll-out ‘blanket’ varies in quality and is easily damaged during transit and installation. They are awkward to move around and up ladders and can cause a terrible mess if carried through homes and onto rooftops.

    Inferior modular units lack the depth of substrate and proper drainage to keep plants healthy.

    Wallbarn’s painstakingly designed M-Tray® modules overcome all of these challenges, providing a seamless and enduring finish.

    Click here to see a recent project in Sydenham featuring our modular M-Tray® green roof system.

    Wallbarn M-Tray® modules:

    • Nurtured from seed at our UK nurseries
    • 13 species of sedum ensures colour all year-round
    • Quick and easy to transport and install
    • Modular trays simply click together
    • No landscaping expertise required
    • Established vegetation provides
    • An instant, future-proofed green roof from day one

    Watch a short film about the M-Tray® here


    If you are looking to install a green roof, talk to our knowledgeable service team by phone, email or via the live chat facility on our website:


    020 8916 2222



    Online chat

    If your customers need products in the following areas:

    • Green roof
    • Paving
    • Decking
    • Protection
    • Drainage

    Then Wallbarn can help you!

    Adjustable Pedestals
    Protection & Drainage

