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    Green Roofs For Healthy Cities And The Green Infrastructure Foundation Launch Grey To Green Virtual Conference 2021

    April 23rd, 2021

    Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC), the industry association for professionals in the green roof and wall industry, and the Green Infrastructure Foundation have launched the first Virtual Grey to Green Conference. Designing For Tomorrow: Green Infrastructure and the Post-COVID-19 Recovery will take place June 15-16, 2021. Through videos, panels, expert speakers and networking sessions, the conference will highlight a wide range of best practices in designing and implementing green infrastructure and other nature-based solutions for addressing public health concerns exacerbated by the pandemic while building community resilience. 

     “Now more than ever, the pandemic has demonstrated that fundamental importance of investing in green infrastructure in our communities, given the overwhelming demand of people to be outside, surrounded by the healing and restorative power of nature,” said Steven Peck, GRP, Founder and President, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities. “Grey to Green will explore a wide range of best practices in how cities and buildings are contributing to the health and well-being of citizens as we gradually emerge from the grip of the pandemic and prepare for the many challenges of climate change.”

    GRHC is excited to welcome a diverse group of presenters who will share their innovative green infrastructure designs, ground-breaking research findings and multi-functional policy that breaks down siloed approaches. Expert panel discussions include Re-imagining Tomorrow: Building Pathways for Green Infrastructure, De-mystifying the Blue-Green Roof: Benefits and Challenges to Innovate Water Management and Cutting the Municipal Red Tape: How to Actually Deliver innovative Green Infrastructure Within a Regulatory and Administrative Municipal Framework. These expert panels provide an opportunity for collaboration to support the implementation of green infrastructure approaches as cities develop their recovery strategies. 

    The content at Grey to Green is specifically curated to inspire and elevate the work of engineers, architects, designers, landscape architects, policymakers, city planners, advocates, researchers, manufacturers, students, business professionals, water management and green infrastructure experts, and all those interested in sustainable development! Grey to Green will offer CEUs to design professionals at an affordable price. 

    GRHC would like to thank the support of its 2021 Advisory Board, Charles Ormsby, ARUP; Brad Bass, Environment and Climate Change Canada; Lam Tran, Your Leaf; Tony DiGiovanni, Landscape Ontario; Kees Govers, LiveRoof; Stefan Fediuk, OALA; Asma Bashirivand, Ginkgo Sustainability; Paul Ronan, Ontario Parks; Kerry Ross, Green T Design; Ryan Ness, Canadian Institute for Climate Choices; Cat Sobotta, Spruce Lab; Jeremy Wright, Zinco Canada; Roxanne Miller, Soprema.

    To learn more about the program and to register visit https://greytogreenconference.org/
