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    Introducing The Pedestals Rail System

    October 9th, 2019

    With the sustained move towards the use of porcelain tiles rather than concrete tiles, finding a suitable framework to lay the tiles onto has taken on increased importance.

    By using a framework created from our pedestal rail system and laying the tiles using pedestals and rails, extra support will be provided to the structure.

    Innovative New Modular System

    This new innovative modular system will allow you to lay ceramic planks, even long ones, with the minimum of effort allowing for aesthetic solutions which were not previously achievable with this new format.

    Benefits of the rail system include:

    • Creates lateral stability across the deck by reducing movement
    • Bespoke headpiece clips onto profiled aluminium joist
    • Can support very thin tiles across the whole edge
    • Grid framework results in faster installation because flat levels can be achieved easier
    • Aluminium rail clicks securely onto Megapad pedestal
    • The modular system ensures that repairs are easier
    • Timber decking can also fix directly into the rail for low height thresholds

    Install Boards of Any Shape And Size

    This new type of pedestal rail system is suitable to help install decking boards and stonewares or slabs made of stone and ceramics, of any shape and size.‎

    However, the introduction of the pedestal rail system to the market ensures that outdoor raised floors can be created with boards and a mixed top finish.‎

    Ideal for set-ups with large-sized stoneware tiles, the pedestals rail system provides stability and finishes that have not been thought of so far with ceramic stonewares.‎

    Constructed from lightweight, resistant aluminium, together with the pedestals, it guarantees a capacity and solidity that cannot be compared to that without the joist.‎

    Why Are Porcelain Tiles Becoming More Popular?

    Known for their strength, durability and outstanding aesthetics, porcelain tiles are generally regarding as offering a significant upgrade over standard tiles.

    • Resists wear
    • Low maintenance
    • They look great!
    • Suitable for areas of high traffic
    • Diverse range of styles available
    • Outstanding durability
    • Easy to clean

    For more information about our pedestal rail system, please click here.
