Deck Planning & Estimating Software Available From Wallbarn

Deck Planner Image

New software available from Wallbarn allows clients to create an image of how their decking will look on their own project. The exact colour swatch of EasyClick or EasyChange decking boards can be visualised on the deck space.

Our gallery has a selection of images to choose from. Alternatively, users can send Wallbarn a photograph of their own deck area.

Click the ‘Floor’ icon and choose the preferred ‘Duro Excellence’ colour. The deck will change colour, giving the user an accurate account of how their project will appear when decked out in Duro Excellence.

MegaPro is an estimating software which will calculate and place the correct number and correct size of pedestals required for the paving or decking project.

Users should send a PDF or drawing to Wallbarn of the deck space.

Certain details are required:

  • All changes in fall at each point across the roof
  • Steps or specific details on the roof
  • Position of drainage outlets
  • Slab size and thickness along with the spacing
  • In the case of decking, the centres of the joist frame
  • The height off the deck at each corner point/change of direction

The software then calculates the distances and area (which can be edited if needed).

The ‘calculate’ button is pressed and the software lists the exact number and height/product code of each pedestal required. It will separate them by height/code and create a drawing of the exact layout. This drawing will colour code each pedestal type, creating a user-friendly drawing to give the reader a visual layout of where each pedestal is located.

It will total up the number of each pedestal height and create a chart and schedule of each product so that the client can cost the project accurately.

The visual simulation of the pedestal layout can be used by surveyors and installers, the Bill of Quantities by estimators and purchasers.

For more on this deck planner, please contact us today.


Wallbarn’s Balance pedestal paves the way for flat finish on Lincoln Square terraces

Wallbarn adjustable pave pads on terrace

Lodha UK’s Lincoln Square in Holborn, London, is a high-end residential development delivered by a world-class team of architects and designers.

Every inch of the 200-plus apartments and 17,000ft2 of private residents’ facilities have been precisely curated to ensure the design and finish is of the highest quality befitting the high net-worth individuals the scheme is aimed at – a four-bed penthouse sells for around £14.5 million.

From a design by PLP Architecture, courtyard landscaping by award-winning international practice Gustafson Porter, interiors by Bowler James Brindley and amenity spaces created by in-demand designer Patricia Urquiola, all elements of the scheme are designed and executed to deliver exceptional quality, finish and amenity.

Located on an island site adjacent to Lincoln’s Inn Fields and the London School of Economics, Lincoln Square has views of St Paul’s Cathedral, the Cheesegrater, Shard, Gherkin and the Royal Courts of Justice. It is these prized skyline views that terraces within the development make the most of, with hi-spec limestone suspended paving areas providing a luxury outdoor living.

Key to the success of these terraces was a perfectly flat finish to the 50mm thick limestone paving – and that’s where Wallbarn’s self-levelling Balance pedestals provided a robust, quick and easy solution that enabled specialist contractors (who described the Balance system as the best on the market) to press ahead confident in the pedestals’ performance and the unrivalled customer service delivered by Wallbarn.

The Wallbarn Balance system was specified specifically for its self-levelling abilities. The units are designed to tilt at the head in all directions in order to accommodate differences in the deck surface below, for example, laps and joints or imperfections in the concrete slab, while at the same time maintaining a perfectly flat surface.

Positioning lugs fit around the corner of each slab to create uniform spacing and tight, secure positioning. When tiling up to parapets the lugs can be removed to ensure the slab is properly supported at the edge. The pedestals allow drainage between each slab, significantly reducing slip hazards and improving the performance of the roof deck. As the deck falls towards a roof outlet the pedestals can be twisted to increase their height, and the angle of the headpiece adjusts to ensure a flat upper surface. The cavity below suspended paving is ideal for routing pipes and services without interrupting drainage or spoiling the aesthetic.

Each Balance pedestal has an individual weight tolerance of 683kg, so can easily bear the weight of planters and other terrace furniture, and is tested to temperatures of +75°C and -40°C. Installation is quick and easy and, being a fully suspended system, slabs can be lifted, repositioned and removed at any time as required.

Julian Thurbin, Wallbarn Director, said the Balance system provided a fantastic solution for laying superior quality suspended paving systems: “The Lincoln Square project demanded high quality and incredible attention to detail throughout – and this included ensuring paving on the rooftop terraces was completely flat and safe. Our Balance pedestals were perfect for the project and we worked closely with the specialist contractor installing the paving to ensure all technical needs were met and the product was on site when required, in some cases on a same-day delivery basis to prevent on-site delays. It was a great project to be involved with and showed just what can be achieved, transforming outdoor spaces into beautiful living areas.”

For more details and to see how the limestone paving was installed onto the Balance pedestals at Lincoln Square visit:

A Commitment To Quality

Universal pedestals for paving and decking - supporting paving slab underside 2

Depending on how materials are re-processed, it can be impossible for recycled materials to replicate 100% of properties of virgin materials. As such, the degradation of these properties can play a detrimental role with regard to safety factors and durability. 

This is not to say recycled plastics cannot be used in certain applications if the product is structural, a lower strength or safety rating can have very serious implications and this goes a long way towards explaining why some recycled materials often have lower safety ratings.

No Recycled Plastic Used In Our Paving & Decking Supports

With potential long-term viability issues relating to construction products such as decking supports constructed using recycled plastic fibres, we do not believe that there is any margin for error and therefore our range of decking support pedestals are made of virgin fibre injection moulded polypropylene.

Click Here To View Our Range of Balance Pedestals For Decking & Paving

Because we cannot guarantee or be assured in any way that the weight tolerances we require of our adjustable pedestals can be achieved by using recycled plastic, we simply cannot use this material.

Our range of decking and paving supports have all been subjected to testing by an independent testing laboratory, some of the most stringent testing available to ensure their qualities.

They are extremely tough and durable. Each support pad (at 35mm and above) able to tolerate the weight of 1,171 kg and tolerate temperatures as low as -40°C and as high as +75°C.

These tests are fully independent and have been created to assess the safety, the strength and the durability of a particular product.

Weight Tolerance* 683kg
Maximum Load* 1,171kg
Max Temperature Plus 75 ° C
Min Temperature Minus 40 °C


Take No Chances

Wherever weight tolerance and temperature exposure are of extreme importance, we strongly believe that no risks should be taken with the quality of the products used in the build.

Our products are designed to offer outstanding quality and our range of paving and decking supports offer a variety of key advantages, including:

  • Cost-effective entry-level support pads
  • Separate paving and decking from the base structure
  • Improve drainage
  • Protect surface beneath
  • Avoid the need for sand and cement
  • Easy maintenance – slabs can be removed for inspection or repair
  • Can take up surface easily for inspection
  • Fast & easy installation

* Weight tolerance = the point at which the pedestal ends its normal behaviour and starts to deform (according to an independent testing laboratory test 179112/1)
* Maximum load = the point at which pedestals start to collapse in laboratory tests (according to an independent testing laboratory test 179112/1)

Suspended rail and pedestal system delivers complicated roof deck project

Mega Balance adjustable pedestal and aluminium rail

Contractors tasked with creating a high-spec roof terrace on a new-build timber-framed Sussex home were challenged with overcoming numerous obstructions created by structural steel braces spanning the roof deck.

The modular build incorporated a large flat roof above a swimming pool and fitness suite. The roof, accessed from bedrooms, was designated a fire escape route and therefore required a permanent steel staircase to ground level. Because the building could not support the weight of this staircase a series of external steel braces were constructed over the fitness suite to create a self-supporting structure.

However, the client specification called for the deck to be transformed into a striking roof terrace finished with premium quality porcelain tiles – and the external steel braces created a network of rooftop obstacles for contractors to overcome.

The solution lay with Wallbarn’s innovative aluminium rail suspension system and its Mega Balance heavy duty pedestals, as company director Julian Thurbin explained: “In normal circumstances, pedestals would be positioned to support the corners of paving tiles, which in this case measured 400mm x 800mm. The steel braces made this configuration impossible so we designed a ‘sub-structure’ layout with pedestals at the height of the braces and positioned between them, with the aluminium rail passing over the top. The finished roof deck looks immaculate and completely belies the network of aluminium and steel rails underneath.”

Mega Balance pedestals can each withstand two tonnes and are self-levelling, which made achieving a completely flat surface on the fitness suite’s falling roof deck straightforward. An independent headpiece ensures the tiles are held securely and firmly in place, with pedestal height adjusted by simply twisting the stem. The pedestal ranges in height from 25mm to 1025mm and offers two key features designed to assist with installation and maintenance:

  • The pedestals can be locked to create a rigid headpiece using the ‘grey nut’, allowing differences in installation requirements across a project to be accommodated with the same pedestal system.
  • The ‘black nut’ can be inserted to hold the headpiece fast to the stem, so when the pedestal is under the centre of a tile or under the rail, users can adjust the height of the pedestal by twisting the small spokes at the edge of the baseplate.

The aluminium rail suspension system is profiled and simply clicks into place on the pedestal headpiece without the need for mechanical fixings. This allows for expansion/contraction, preventing stress points, and removes the risk of fixings ‘popping’ over time. The rails also offer millimetre-precise adjustment to ensure perfect alignment with door thresholds and access points. Wallbarn recommends a maximum span of 600mm between pedestals and rails.

For the Sussex project, a ‘top head’ clicked onto the profiled rail and slid into the perfect position to support the tiles, with the headpieces exactly underneath each corner and the porcelain tiles safely suspended over the steel braces.

The lateral stability of the tiled area was improved greatly as the pedestals are connected via the rail, with the whole system tied together and freestanding. No mechanical fixings penetrate the deck surface. The pedestals’ 200mm diameter base plates ensure effective weight distribution (fins running from the stem to the edge of the baseplate guard against point loading down the central column).

Added Julian: “The tiles were laid quickly and securely, avoiding the hazards on the deck surface, and creating a solid, stable upper surface. This suspension system delivers a really superior finish; the joints between each tile are smooth and it gives a higher performance deck area. A high quality, sturdy and very attractive porcelain tiled terrace was created quickly with no mess and waste. The client was delighted.”

What Are The Advantages of Metalpad For Paving?

Adjustable Decking Pedestals Class A MetalPad Decking Headpiece close up

Wallbarn has used its extensive knowledge and experience in supplying suspended paving systems to develop a Class A version for paving onto balconies and terraces.

Class A1 Fire Rated Paving Pedestals

Non-combustible, fully adjustable, Class A1 pedestal specially designed for high-rise balconies, terraces and flat roofs. 

Metalpad for Paving Advantages

  • The pedestals are manufactured from 2mm thick galvanised sheet steel. The adjustable threaded stem is solid, giving very high weight tolerance
  • The baseplate is circular and 150mm in diameter which gives greater lateral stability and distributes weight evenly
  • The underside is smooth to prevent damage to the membrane beneath
  • The perimeter of the baseplate is rounded to avoid sharp edges and also eliminate any chance of puncturing the sub-deck
  • The headpiece is circular and 120mm diameter which gives an adequate surface is for tile to rest on
  • The lugs are either 2mm or 4mm thick and integrated into the steel headpiece
  • There are no brackets or “gaskets” clipped on. Positioning lugs are integrated into the headpiece
  • The headpiece is self-levelling up to 5% in all direction

Key Benefits

  • Non-combustible to BS EN 13501-1
    Fire classification of construction products & building elements
  • Designed for exterior applications
  • Made from 100% class A1 thick galvanised steel 
  • No plastic or rubber components
  • Self-levelling headpiece up to 5% movement in all directions*
  • Solid stem for superior weight tolerance
  • Over 1,000kg loading per pedestal
  • 150mm diameter circular base plate
  • Millimetre-precise height adjustment
  • Bespoke headpieces for paving and decking

Heights range from 25mm up to 300mm.

Complies fully with British Standard BS 8579

For more information, please click here.

What Are The Benefits Of Sustainable Building Materials?

Wallbarn Logo

Concern for the environment and for sustainability has dramatically increased in recent decades. More and more construction projects are being completed using sustainable building materials. These materials offer a number of advantages, both economic and environmental.

When choosing a building material for a construction project, a number of factors need to be considered when determining how sustainable the material is. These materials need to be harvested from renewable rather than non-renewable resources. The environmental impact of the material chosen must be considered over the whole life-cycle of the project, rather than merely over the short term.

Keeping in Mind Resource Efficiency

Resource efficiency is an important factor to keep in mind. This refers to materials that can be used as efficiently as possible with a minimum of effort. For example, choosing materials that include a sizeable amount of recycled, post-consumer or post-industrial content, makes a project more efficient, as does choose materials that have been produced locally to reduce transportation costs.

How the building materials are manufactured is also something that needs to be kept in mind. Is the manufacturing process itself sustainable? Was renewable energy used to power the process, and were waste products kept to a minimum? Were steps taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

Reusing salvaged building materials from other projects or other buildings is another important strategy for making a construction project more sustainable. This helps to save resources in several ways. First of all, these materials are reused, rather than being disposed of in a landfill.

Second, reusing materials reduces the amount of energy that is needed, since new building materials do not have to be manufactured from scratch. The amount of energy that is required to refurbish these old materials is significantly less than the amount that would be required to manufacture brand-new materials.

Enhancing Sustainability

The overall design of a building should also serve to enhance the sustainability of the materials that are used. Buildings should be designed to be as energy-efficient as possible to avoid wasting excess power on heating, cooling, and lighting. By choosing the right material, architects can dramatically reduce the amount of energy that is required for a building’s operations.

There are many questions that need to be answered when you are considering using sustainable building materials in a construction project. By keeping these principles in mind, you can ensure that your next project is as environmentally friendly as possible.

For more information on the role green roofing systems can play in sustainable buildings, please visit the dedicated section on our website by clicking here or call us on Tel. No. 020 8916 2222.

Fire Safety Armoury Strengthened By British Standard For Balcony Construction

Fire Rated Pedestals

A new British Standard introduced at the end of August is helping close what a growing number of building professionals have identified as clear gaps in the fire safety performance of high-rise residential buildings with balconies.

Fire Rated Pedestals

The release of BS 8579:2020 Guide to the Design of Balconies and Terraces is a welcome addition to the Government’s more robust approach to the fire safety of blocks of flats and supports the already-updated Building Regulations and Approved Document B.

The new standard states that all construction elements of balconies and terraces located more than 18m above ground level must be non-combustible, including structural joists, flooring and suspension etc. This means no wood, plastic, rubber etc. Importantly, the regulations now define balconies as part of the external wall, bringing them in scope of Part B and its more stringent fire safety requirements and ending the conflict that specifying to Part L placed upon fire performance.

Balconies have long been considered an important amenity, providing covered walkways or giving residents access to private outside space. Now, more than ever, that amenity is highly prized post-COVID-19 lockdown and it is likely that future new-build developments will be looking to incorporate them.

BS 8579 may be considered one of the regulatory responses to fires in residential multi-storey buildings, including Samuel Garside House, Barking, The Cube in Bolton and Worcester Park, south west London, but work on the standard began two years earlier than these 2019 blazes and several weeks before the Grenfell tragedy.

Social housing providers have taken note, with a number introducing balcony smoking bans (smoking materials, BBQs and arson are the main causes of balcony fires). The Home Group, which supports 125,000 residents nationwide, has produced a ‘Keeping your balcony safe’ leaflet and formed a fire safety tenant focus group.

Back in 2016, the issue was highlighted by the Building Research Establishment’s report – ‘Fire safety issues with balconies’ – compiled for the Department of Communities and Local Government following balcony blazes on high-rise residential buildings in 2010-2015. BRE reported that six balcony ‘fire incidents’ were reported in 2015 compared to one in 2005.

The report makes sobering reading, especially its references to one balcony set alight by a plastic cup used as an ashtray; the block of flats was predominantly a concrete construction with external surfaces “covered in a variety of cladding systems with cavities filled with a variety of rigid foam insulation”. The balcony floor was timber decking on timber battens covered with a woven plastic sheet over foam insulation. The sheet ignited and the fire spread to the foam insulation on the walls and under the decking.

This summer, the insurer Zurich called for balcony BBQs to be banned, stating that almost £9m of damage was caused in 2019 by just four balcony blazes which spread to neighbouring flats or entire buildings. Its research also revealed that in London alone there were 550 balcony fires in the last three years. “Modern methods of construction, including timber-framed buildings, combustible cladding, wooden balconies and modular units add to the risk of balcony fire,” added Zurich.

With the introduction of BS 8579 and the strengthened Building Regulations and Approved Document B banning the use of combustible materials in external wall systems and balconies 18m+, concerns about these construction methods should be answered. We are also seeing increasing numbers of clients opting to implement the new regulations at lower heights to ensure the ongoing safety of residents and assuage insurers rightly concerned about the huge cost to them of fires on balconies.

However, Wallbarn fears that efforts to improve the fire performance of buildings may create a risk that fully tested, established and quality – but not compliant – building solutions may be replaced by seemingly compliant but lower performance products. And that’s why we need to be absolutely sure that the industry is properly briefed to design, specify and build fully compliant and safe solutions.

Our sector – pedestal systems which support suspended balcony and terrace decking/paving – is a good example of this. Traditionally, pedestals were heavy-duty polypropylene plastic but to satisfy BS 8579, they will have to be metal when installed at height. These products are available – Wallbarn has developed MetalPad, an all-metal, Class A1-rated pedestal that is fully compliant with BS 8579 – but we know that systems have come to market which have rubber or plastic elements labelled as ‘gaskets’. To call a plastic headpiece a ‘gasket’ does not, in our opinion, conform to the standards and regulations.

We are also concerned about the quality and testing regimes of some metal pedestal solutions. From sampling the market, we know that not all products offer the level of performance we feel is required. Some pedestals have been modified from interior usage and are not designed for exterior applications. The small baseplates on some brands are cutting into surfaces beneath, compromising U-values and creating uneven, unstable paving areas. There is a real risk of jeopardising safety on schemes through the very task of trying to improve fire safety.

There’s also the question of product testing, a crucial factor given these systems are used at-height. Load-bearing is critical and we have heard reports that hollow stems can lead to collapse. Our advice is always to consult with your original supplier to at least understand the questions you should be asking of a new supplier. This is especially important in the light of Grenfell; recent witness evidence at the Grenfell Enquiry has revealed confusion about product performance, suitability and installation methods, highlighting the need for everyone to take responsibility throughout the supply chain. Do not assume someone else is doing it and always ask for – actually demand – test results.

Product provenance is a further issue to be considered. Recent industry talk suggests that imported product was rejected by two main contractors upon arrival at site due to quality concerns. It is good to hear that, despite the inevitable project delays and additional costs such action would have created, quality was considered more important. Again, our advice is to ask the right questions during specification to ensure that the chosen solution is designed for purpose, fully tested and supplied by a trusted partner.

For the full article, please click here.

Do You Know Where Your Products Are Made?

Top quality Wallbarn pedestals versus inferior brand

Any product used as part of a construction project needs to offer a guarantee of quality and durability.

With potentially catastrophic safety issues should any product fail to function once installed, it is absolutely essential that before purchasing a product, you are certain of its qualities.

Did You Know?

Inferior plastic will crack in sub-zero temperatures. So if your project requires the installation of decking supports or paving supports, what steps are you taking to ensure that you have a quality product?

Some manufacturers use fillers in order to save money – this can weaken the structural integrity of the pedestals but this is not the case with anything available from the Wallbarn product range. We do not cut corners and it is very important that you do not either when creating or retro-fitting a raised deck.

Our Megapads offer outstanding qualities and durability and are available in sizes ranging from 22mm to 120mm.

Safety Test Documentation

Do you have the required access to the safety test documentation for your required products? Our customers can request access to all the independently-verified technical data relating to any of our products.

High-Quality Decking Support Pedestals

The Wallbarn range of paving and decking supports are lightweight and easy to handle, helping to ensure a smooth installation but there has been no compromise in strength or durability to achieve this.

Amongst many other tests*, our products are temperature tested by an independent testing laboratory to ensure their continued functionality from temperatures ranging between -40°C and as high as +75°C.

Our robust range of decking and paving pedestals/supports are manufactured from injection moulded polypropylene and can tolerate loads of 683kg per unit Normal Weight Tolerance (end of linear behaviour) with a Maximum Load of 1171kg.

Offering proven durability, a project utilising our paving supports in Montreal in 2014 offers the perfect example. Exposed to extreme cold since their installation in 2014 and still working perfectly.

Offering Key Advantages

Our range of support pedestals share common features and benefits ensuring their quality and durability:

  • Achieve stunning finishes
  • Suspended system
  • Fully adjustable
  • Superior quality
  • Suitable for paving slabs and timber decking

*tests completed by an independent testing laboratory

The Dangers of Using Recycled Plastics in Decking Supports

Self-levelling support pads with porcelain tiles

Modern-day society places a strong focus on sustainability and utilising renewable resources. This can make it difficult for some people to understand why the choice is made to make certain products from virgin material.

Depending on how materials are re-processed, it can be impossible for recycled materials to replicate 100% of properties of virgin materials. As such, the degradation of these properties can play a detrimental role with regard to safety factors and durability. 

This is not to say recycled plastics cannot be used in certain applications if the product is structural, a lower strength or safety rating can have very serious implications and this goes a long way towards explaining why some recycled materials often have lower safety ratings.

No Recycled Plastic Used In Our Paving & Decking Supports

With potential long-term viability issues relating to construction products such as decking supports constructed using recycled plastic fibres, we do not believe that there is any margin for error and therefore our range of decking support pedestals are made of virgin fibre injection moulded polypropylene.

Click Here To View Our Range of Balance Pedestals For Decking & Paving

Because we cannot guarantee or be assured in any way that the weight tolerances we require of our adjustable pedestals can be achieved by using recycled plastic, we simply cannot use this material.

Our range of decking and paving supports have all been subjected to testing by an independent testing laboratory, some of the most stringent testing available to ensure their qualities.

They are extremely tough and durable. Each support pad (at 35mm and above) able to tolerate the weight of 1,171 kg and tolerate temperatures as low as -40°C and as high as +75°C.

These tests are fully independent and have been created to assess the safety, the strength and the durability of a particular product.

Weight Tolerance* 683kg
Maximum Load* 1,171kg
Max Temperature Plus 75 ° C
Min Temperature Minus 40 °C


Take No Chances

Wherever weight tolerance and temperature exposure are of extreme importance, we strongly believe that no risks should be taken with the quality of the products used in the build.

Our products are designed to offer outstanding quality and our range of paving and decking supports offer a variety of key advantages, including:

  • Cost-effective entry-level support pads
  • Separate paving and decking from the base structure
  • Improve drainage
  • Protect surface beneath
  • Avoid the need for sand and cement
  • Easy maintenance – slabs can be removed for inspection or repair
  • Can take up surface easily for inspection
  • Fast & easy installation

* Weight tolerance = the point at which the pedestal ends its normal behaviour and starts to deform (according to an independent testing laboratory test 179112/1)
* Maximum load = the point at which pedestals start to collapse in laboratory tests (according to an independent testing laboratory test 179112/1)