Modular Green Roof systems were initially created to offer all the benefits of standard green roofs whilst avoiding many of the hurdles which can occur with standard systems. Their flexible modular design allow green roofs to be grown off-site and installed directly on top of almost any roof surface, thus enabling the quick and easy creation of the finished green roof. Whilst these systems have been increasing in popularity in the previous years, they are about to be taken to another level with the forthcoming launch of Wallbarn’s new development the – ‘M Tray’.
What Makes the ‘M Tray’ Different?
The M Tray is a fully planted up, established green roof system with all drainage and filtration layers incorporated into one small cassette which is grown at our nurseries.
The sedum plants which we utilise are fully mature and established ensuring that we can have at least 85% coverage across the modules / cassettes. For the best possible results, once they have been installed, the plastic carriers simply clip together. This ensures that once in position, all that is visible will be the mature sedum plants and you will not be able to see the side bars.
Huge Advantages
There a significant number of advantages offered by this systems when compared to the traditional roll-out systems not least the fact that the plants are mature and everything is established. This ensures that the plants do not become shocked when installed as they are fully rooted into the substrate.
Another major advantage is the huge reduction in mess created during installation. Because the soil is contained within the tray, it will not spill out to create another task during installation. Applicators do not need to carry large rolls of matting or heavy bags of soil through difficult-to-access areas.
The size of the units is also a significant advantage. “The M Tray reaches the flat roofs other green roofs cannot reach”. As you can see from the picture (above right), under normal circumstances, it would have been impossible to install a green roof onto the difficult to reach single storey flat roof using sedum blankets, bags of soil and rolls of drainage and filtration membranes, this is no longer the case due to the creation of the Wallbarn ‘M Tray’.
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